Email : [email protected]


MDS (Periodontics):

Sibar Institute Of Dental Sciences, Guntur.
Dr.N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, AndhraPradesh.
April, 2013.


CKS Teja Institute of Dental Sciences,Tirupathi.
Dr.N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.
October, 2007.


  1.   Co-author for DENT TEST Clinical’s (books for post graduate entrance examination with ISBN: 978-81-8191-379-1 PARAS MEDICAL PUBLISHER).
  2.   Co-author for DENTAL BYTES 12thEdition (books for post graduate entrance examination with ISBN: 978-81-8191-460-6PARAS MEDICAL PUBLISHER).
  3.   Editor for “PERIO VISTA” Periodontology Prep Manual 1st Edition with (ISBN: 9789386480651 PARAS MEDICAL BOOKS Pvt. Ltd.)


  1.   Kumar AV, Aluru S, Sravanthi G, Polepalle T, Ravindra reddy N, FirozBabu P,Shaik MI, Narasimha G Prophylactic measures to be taken by oral health care professionals during a pandemic outbreak of COVID-19. Int J Cur Res Rev 2021;13:181-187.
  2.   Dhulipalla R, Marella Y, Keerthana AJ, Pillutla HP, Chintagunta C, Polepalle T. Awareness of Periodontal disease and its management among medical faculty in Guntur district: A Questionnaire-based study. J Indian SocPeriodontol 2016; 20:525-30.
  3.   FirozBabu P, Polepalle T, Loya M, Mani Deepthi CH, NayyarAS.PiezoSurgery: A Boon to Dentistry. J Dent App. 2016; 3(4): 365-369.
  4.   PolepalleT,Chaitanya A, FirozBabu P, Boggarapu S and Nayyar AS. Full mouth rehabilitation of localized Aggressive Periodontitis: A Case report of 36 months follow-up.J Dent App. 2016; 3(4): 361-364.
  5.   Polepalle T, Adurty C, SP Saravanan, Palagiri FB. Hyaluronan and its applications – A Review. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016;3(10):175-179.
  6.   Polepalle T, Moogala S, Adurty C, Sirigadha S. Management of localized Aggressive Periodontitis using laser assisted newattachment procedure- A Case report of 24 months follow up. International Journal of Current Research 2016;8(7): 35138- 41
  7.   Dhulipalla R, Polepalle T, Adurty C, Boggarapu S. The relation between Osteoporosis and Periodontitis: A Review. J Res Adv Dent 2016;5:1:7-15
  8.   Polepalle T, Moogala S, Boggarapu S, Pesala DS, Palagi FB. Acute Phase Proteins and their role in Periodontitis: A Review. J ClinDiagn Res. 2015; 9(11):ZE01-05.
  9.   Sastri MR, Tanpure VR, Palagi FB, Shinde SK, Ladhe K, Polepalle T. Study of the Knowledge and Attitude about Principles and Practices of Orthodontic Treatment among General Dental Practitioners and Non-orthodontic Specialties.JInt Oral Health 2015 ;7(3):44-8.
  10.   Bolepalli AC, Munireddy C, Peruka S, Polepalle T, Alluri LS, Mishaeel S. Determining the association between Oral Malodor and Periodontal disease- A Case control study. J IntSoc Prevent Communit Dent 2015;5:413-7.
  11.   Polepalle T, Srinivas M, Swamy N, Aluru S, Chakrapani S, Chowdary BA. Local delivery of Hyaluronan 0.8% as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic Periodontitis – A Clinical and Microbiological Study.J Indian SocPeriodontol 2015;19(1):37-42.
  12.   Kumar R, Srinivas M, Pai J, Suragimath G, Prasad K, Polepalle T. Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan) In Root Coverage Procedures as an adjunct to Coronally Advanced Flap in Millers Class I Recession – Clinical Study.J Indian SocPeriodontol 2014;18(6):746-50.
  13.   Medaiah S, Srinivas M, Melath A, Girish S, Polepalle T, Dasari AB. Chlorhexidine chip in the treatment of chronic periodontitis – A Clinical Study. J ClinDiagn Res 2014;8(6):ZC22-5.
  14.   SaravananSp, Lokesh S, Polepalle T, Shewale A. Prevalence, Severity and association factors of dental caries in 3-6 year old child – A Cross sectional study. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research 2014 ;2(6): 5-11.
  15.   Chakrapani S, Polepalle T, Kolaparthy L, Kuntcham RS, Adurthy C, Sirigadha S. An Evaluation of plaque removal efficacy of 5 commercially available Toothbrushes: A Comparitive clinical study. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research, 2014;2:15-20.
  16.   Ramanarayana B, Putcha M, Polepalle T, Chowdary A. Local drug delivery systems commonly used in Periodontal therapy. Dental Chronicle 2013;5:01.
  17.   Mallela MK, Moogla S, Polepalle LT, Reddy VC. Zimmermann-Laband syndrome: A Rare case report of father and Son.JDr NTR Univ Health Sci 2013;2:147-9.