Department of Periodontology and Implantology is located in the second floor of the main block. The Department of Periodontology has well qualified and experienced faculty including Three Professors, Five Readers and two Senior Lecturers on a permanent full time teaching basis.
Department of Periodontology and Implantology is located in the second floor of the main block. The Department of Periodontology has well qualified and experienced faculty including Three Professors, Five Readers and two Senior Lecturers on a permanent full time teaching basis..
The Department has all the equipments and instruments as per the norms laid by dental council of India. The department trains the undergraduates for the BDS program in 3rd and 4th year and a complete 3 year program leading to the Master of dental surgery (MDS). The post graduate intake is 6 per year.
All types of periodontal treatment are provided to the patients at a reasonable cost. The academic program includes lectures, tutorials, seminars, journal clubs, and pedagogy sessions. Research is given prime importance with all the Post graduate students, under graduate students and teaching faculty engaged in various projects.
To recognize the scientific principles needed for the provision of high standard of oral health care and to practice evidence based dentistry in providing services to the patients depending on their oral health status.
To acquire lifelong learning qualities, such as critical thinking, creativity, reading etc.
Students are encouraged to increase their interest in dental research.
To upgrade the knowledge and skill they are motivated to attend conferences, workshops and seminars.
To take a proper clinical history, examine the patient, perform essential diagnostic procedures and suggest relevant tests and interpret them to come to a proper diagnosis about the disease and appropriate treatment planing.
Acquiring adequate skills and competence in performing various procedures such as, Scaling and root planing, surgical procedures to alleviate various gingival and periodontal problems, Laser assisted procedures, concepts of osseointegration and basic surgical aspects of implantology which are required in periodontics and implantology.
To give proper post treatment instructions and do periodic recall and evaluation.
Required Senior Lecturers / Assistant Professors in the Departments of Orthodontics and Conservative Dentistry. Interested candidates can email their C.V. to [email protected]