Get in touch


Phone : + 91-863 -2292149, 2292249 Fax : + 91-863-2292139 Email : [email protected]

Give us a call

Phone :
+ 91-863 -2292149, 2292249

From Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.

Send us an email

We will reply to your email asap.

Takkellapadu, Guntur
522 509,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Open from 9am to 4pm

You're welcome anytime!

Send us a message or give a call

Takkellapadu, Guntur 522 509, Andhra Pradesh, India

Phone : + 91-863 -2292149, 2292249

Fax : + 91-863-2292139

Email : [email protected]

Dr. L. Krishna Prasad

Phone:  +91-98481 23244

Email id:  [email protected]

Dr. Baddam Venkat Ramana Reddy

Phone:  +91-9848885660

Email id:  [email protected]

Dr. Manne Prakash

Phone:  +91-9440152542

Email id: [email protected]

Dr. Bolla Nagesh

Phone:  +91-9848885658

Email id:  [email protected]

Dr. T. Krishna Mohan, Director

Phone:  +91-98488 85655

Email id:  [email protected]

Praneeth Lingamaneni

Phone:  +91-9848885659

Email id:  [email protected]