Anti-ragging committee and vigilance(Anti-ragging) Squad which include staff, and students including girls have been constituted. The parents of the students are also included. Their contact phone numbers including of principal are displayed in the college common rooms, class rooms, library, hostels, mess, in each room of the hostels and in notice boards. Regular and surprise visits of Anti-ragging squad is done both in the college and hostels.
Full time wardens are working in boys and girls hostels and oversee the prevention of ragging in any form in the hostels. In the hostels, separate block allotted for fresh students so as to minimize the mingling with the senior students.
Counselling of senior batches of students done by senior faculty with the nature of punishment for each act of ragging.
Identify the raggers in the institution.
Measures against raggers are displayed in the campus.
Concerted action to be proposed against the culprits(raggers).
To involve the media and civil societies in the exercise.
Yoga and Meditation classes to the senior and juniors are conducted, so that they become more "Satwik" in their approach. Already conducted basic course in "The Art of Living & Sudarshan Kriya" and results are excellent.
The banners of punishments deterrent to the raggers are displayed at the entrance of the the college and hospital, all the nine departments(clinical and non clinical), all the lecture halls, Library and hostels in the campus for the boys and girls.
Form of undertaking by each and every student and their parent/guardian, informing them of the punishment for ragging have been taken along with parents declaration.
Distributing pamphlets which are having information of punishment of ragging.