Gautami S. Penmetsa, Gangolu Meghana, Mohan Kumar P., NVS Sruthima, Ramesh KSV, Mohana Kondapally. “Comparison of Propolis Containing Dentifrice Versus Commercially Available Dentifrice in Gingivitis Treatment: A Randomized Double-Blinded Clinical Trial,” Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 329 – 334, 2023.
Pasupuleti MK, Subhadra Penmetsa G, Gangolu M, Ramesh Konathala SV, Naga Venkata Satya S. Role of Communication, Professionalism, and Clinical Care Skills of Postgraduate Students on Patients Recall Visits in Dental School-An Observational Study. J Patient Exp. 2020 Dec; 7(6):1563-1567.
Meghana G, Kumar P M, Penmetsa GS, Sruthima G NVS, Ramesh KSV, Anusha B. Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics- A Literature review. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2021;6(3):131- 135.
Mohana Kondapally, Ramesh KSV, NVS Sruthima, Gautami S Penmetsa,P. Mohan kumar, G. Meghana. C- reactive protein and periodontal disease – A Review. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020; 7(5): 1664-1670.
Gautami S Penmetsa; Mohana Kondapally; Meghana Gangolu; Mikkili Rajyalakshmi; Karuturi Lahari; Inti Srividya. “Clinical Evaluation of Periodontal Status and Patient Comfort Levels Assessment Before and After Manual Scaling Under Conventional Approach and Surgical Operating Microscope: A Comparative Analysis”. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 8, 2, 2021, 2053-2063.
Pasupuleti MK, Penmetsa GS, Gottumukkala SN, Vintha J, Santosh Vamsi E, Meghana G. Emotional Health Status of Postgraduate Students of Periodontics in India During COVID Health Crisis—A Questionnaire-Based Study. Journal of Patient Experience. January 2021.
Gangolu M, Pasupuleti MK, Penmetsa GS, Gottumukkala NVSS, Konathala SVR, Balivada BP, Karuturi L.Comparison of Laser-assisted and Conventional Flap Surgery with Hydroxyapatite Crystals in the Treatment of Intrabony Defects under Magnification- A Randomised Clinical TrialJ Clin of Diagn Res.2022; 16(11):ZC20-ZC26.
Penmetsa GS, Karuturi L, Pasupuleti MK, Inti S, Gangolu M, Mikkili RL. Evaluation of Comfort Levels of Patient and Ergonomics of the Dental Surgeon during Manual Scaling under Both Proprioceptive Derivative Concept and Conventional Approach: A Cross-sectional StudyJ Clin of Diagn Res.2023; 17(12):ZC49-ZC54.
Required Senior Lecturers / Assistant Professors in the Departments of Orthodontics and Conservative Dentistry. Interested candidates can email their C.V. to [email protected]