Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Hyderabad, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Telangana. July, 2021.
Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences, Narketpally Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh. April, 2016.
Manasa G, Manoj Kumar MG, Nallanchakrava S, Bala GN, Rao KN. Evaluation of smear layer removal and antimicrobial efficacy of intracanal herbal irrigants. Endodontology 2023;35:35-42.
Nallanchakrava S, Manoj Kumar MG, Animireddy D, Manasa G. Marsupialization of odontogenic keratocyst using thermoform surgical splint in a pediatric patient, with 3-year follow-up. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2022;26(Suppl 1):S59-S62.
Required Senior Lecturers / Assistant Professors in the Departments of Orthodontics and Conservative Dentistry. Interested candidates can email their C.V. to [email protected]