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Pichai S., Peddu R., Dokku A., Lanka D., Talapaneni AK, Prasanna KL. Reliability of hand dimensions and mandibular canine index as indicators in sex determination. JIDA 2024; XVII; 22-28. https://doi.org/10.33882/jida.15.37160
Naveen Admala Reddy, Sharmila Arujnan Gopinath Adusumilli, JayaprakashThirumala Reddy, Raghu Devanna, Saravanan Pichai. Dermatoglyphics & cheiloscopy in the inheritence of cleftlip & palate: unraveiling the mystery. JIOS 2014; 48(3).
Saravanan Pichai, M Rajesh, Naveen Reddy, Gopinath Adusumilli, Jayaprakash Reddy, Bhavana Joshi. comparison of hand wrist bone analysis with two different cervical vertebral analysis in measuring skeletal maturation. Jioh 2014; 6(5).
Naveen Admala Reddy, Gopinath Adusumilli, Raghu Devanna, Saravanan Pichai, Mayur Gobindram Rohra, Sharmila Arjunan. MSX1Gene variant – Its presence in tooth absence? – a case control genetic study. JIOH 2013; 5(5):20-26
JayaprakashThirumala Reddy,Vinodh abraham korath,,Naveen reddy adamala, Adusumilli Gopinath, PichaiSaravanan, kvv prathap varma. Cephalometric Evaluation of Oropharyngeal Airway Dimension Changes in Pre- and Postadenoidectomy Cases. JCDP-Nov-Dec;2012;13(6);1-6.
Required Senior Lecturers / Assistant Professors in the Departments of Orthodontics and Conservative Dentistry. Interested candidates can email their C.V. to [email protected]