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MDS (Orthodontics):

The Tamilnadu Dr. MDR Medical University, Chennai.
May 2003.


Bangalore University, Karnataka.
March 1998.


  1. Pichai S., Peddu R., Dokku A., Lanka D., Talapaneni AK, Prasanna KL. Reliability of hand dimensions and mandibular canine index as indicators in sex determination. JIDA 2024; XVII; 22-28. https://doi.org/10.33882/jida.15.37160.
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  3. Sana Safiya, Reddy Rekha, Talapaneni Ashok Kumar, Hussain Arshad, Bangi Sayeeda Laegue, Fatima Asma. Evaluation of stability of three different mini-implants, based on thread shape factor and numerical analysis of stress around mini-implants with different insertion angle, with relation to en-masse retraction force. Dental Press J. Orthod. [Internet]. 2020 Dec [cited  2021  Mar  22] ;  25( 6 ): 59-68
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  9. Prasad M, Chaitanya N, Reddy KPK, Talapaneni AK, Myla VB, Shetty SK. Evaluation of nasal morphology in predicting vertical and sagittal maxillary skeletal discrepancies’. Eur J Dent. 2014;8(2):197-204.
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