Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Email : [email protected]



Government Dental College, Hyderabad,
Dr. N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada
May 1997


Government Dental College, Hyderabad,
Osmania University, Hyderabad
September 1991


  1.   Convenor in 67th Indian Dental Conference at Hyderabad in 2014.
  2.   Underwent Endodontic Technique Course at College of Dentistry, University of Illinois, Chicago in July, 2006.
  3.   Worked as Registrar, Department of Endodontics, Ministry of Health, Kuwait from May 2004 to August 2008.
  4.   Joint Organising Secretary at Indian Dental Conference 2004, held at Vijayawada.


  1. P V S Tejaswini Yadav Sagala, Sayesh Vemuri, Anila Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha, Roopadevi Garlapati, Tsalla Krishna Ravali, Maddarapu Vamsi Krishna. Compressive strength evaluation of two composites with and without fiber reinforcement used as restorative material in incisal edge: An In-vitro study. Journal of  Clinical and  Experimental Dentistry 2025;17(2):e168-73.
  2. Nagesh Bolla, Roopadevi Garlapati, Sayesh Vemuri, Ram Chowdary Basam, Lahari Bolla, Yedla Sahitya. Evaluation of the efficacy of sonic activation in root canal cleaning with an endocator adenosine triphosphate tester: An in vitro study.  Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 2025;28(2):175-181.
  3. Asritha Kondapaneni, AnilaBandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha, Sayesh Vemuri, Roopadevi Garlapati, Mayana Aameena Banu, Niharika Halder. Comparison of Shear Bond Strength for One-step Self-etch versus Universal Adhesives on Contaminated and Decontaminated Dentin Surfaces: An In-vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2024 ;18(12): ZC20-ZC24.
  4. Basam RC, Bolla N, Vemuri S, Garlapati R, Dasari AB, Lahari B. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticle‑incorporated nanohydroxyapatite and calcium and phosphate ion clusters for biomimetic remineralization of enamel and dentin. J Conserv Dent Endod 2024;27:1294-9.
  5. Sayesh Vemuri, Eswar Swetha Rachamadugu, Thalabhakthula Naveena, Roopadevi Garlapati, Nagesh Bolla, Ram Chowdary Basam. Comparative evaluation of the effect of three different obturation techniques on push‑out bond strength of AH Plus Bioceramic and EndoCeramic sealers: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 2024;27(10):1026-31.
  6. Shaik Afreen Kamal, Roopadevi Garlapati, Nagesh Bolla, Sayesh Vemuri, Mayana Aameena Banu, Yandra Lakshmi Suvarna. An in vitro assessment of the influence of dentinal pretreatment with chlorhexidine, nonthermal atmospheric plasma, chitosan, and proanthocyanidins on shear bond strength to composite. Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 2024;27(8):873-7.
  7. Anila Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha, Raavi Bhavya Sri, Roopadevi Garlapati, Sayesh Vemuri, Niharika Halder, Bolla Lahari. Evaluation of fracture resistance of teeth with Class II Mesio-OcclusoDistal cavities restored by three different esthetic restorative materials:An In-vitro study. Journal of Indian Dental Association 2023;17(12): 27-32.
  8. Roopadevi Garlapati, Praveen Kumar Gali, Nagesh Bolla, Bandlapally Srreenivasa Guptha Anila, Sayesh Vemuri, Bandaru Pydiah Naidu. A confocal laser scanning microscopic evaluation of nonthermal atmospheric plasma on the dentinal tubule penetration of bioceramic and epoxy resin-based root canal sealers. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2023;26(3):265-270.
  9. Garlapati R., Lakshmi Prasanna M., Vemuri S., Naidu B., Lahari B., Balatejaswini N., Effect of preoperative oral medication of Diclofenac sodium, Ibuprofen and Etoricoxib on the effectiveness of maxillary infiltration anaesthesia in patients with irreversible pulpitis: A Randomized Clinical Study.Journal of Indian Dental Association 2024; XVIII; 13-18.
  10. Nagesh Bolla, Aameena Banu Mayana, Praveen Kumar Gali, Sayesh Vemuri, Roopadevi Garlapati, Shaik Afreen Kamal. Effect of nonthermal atmospheric plasma on bond strength of composite resin using total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2023;26(3):292-298.
  11. Yandra Lakshmi Suvarna, Garlapati Roopadevi,Bolla Nagesh, Vemuri Sayesh, Badaru Pydiah Naidu, KVNS Sruti, Mayana Aameena Banu, Shaik Afreen Kamal. Effect of 3% Grape Seed Extract on the Bond Strength of Bleached Enamel with Natural and Commercially Available Bleaching Agents: An In-vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2023; 17(1): ZC01-ZC04.
  12. Niharika Halder, Sayesh Vemuri, Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha Anila, Nagesh Bolla, Roopadevi Garlapati, Ram Chowdary Basam. To compare the efficacy of various organic solvents on retrievability of Biodentine and their effect on microhardness of Biodentine and radicular dentin: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry | Volume 26 | Issue 1 | January-February 2023.
  13. Ram Basam Chowdary, Sravanthi Tammineedi, Bolla Nagesh, Sayesh Vemuri, Ram Sunil Chukka, Lakshman Chowdary Basam, Anila BS. Perception and Practice of Shade Selection Principles among Postgraduates and Dental Practitioners in India: A Cross-sectional Survey. Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry, Volume 16 Issue 3 (September–December 2022).
  14. Roopadevi Garlapati, Vamsi Krishna Maddarapu, Sayesh Vemuri, Bolla Lahari, Kommineni Monica, Movva Vipin Sai. Prevalence of extra root canals in human  mandibular anterior teeth: A cone beam computed tomography  study. Journal of Indian Dental Association -2022;16(11): 14-18.
  15. Reshma Parveen Shaik, Anila Bandlapally, Bolla Lahari, Ram Chowdary Basam, Sayesh Vemuri , Roopadevi Garlapati Evaluation of the influence of dentin on radiopacity of retrograde filling materials: An In-vitro study Journal of Indian Dental Association 2022; 16(12):14-18.
  16. Mayana Aameenabanu, Tammineedi Sravanthi, Nagesh Bolla, Sayesh Vemuri, Ram Chowdary Basam, Roopadevi Garlapati, Ram Sunil Chukka. Evidence of improved bond strength of resin-based sealer with the use of natural antioxidants on hypochlorite treated dentin: an in vitro study. Medicine and Pharmacy Reports 2022;95(3):300-4.
  17. Reshma Parveen Shaik, Ram Sunil Chukka, Anila Bandlapally, Sayesh Vemuri, Nagesh Bolla, Ram Chowdary Basam, Sravanthi Tammineedi. Assessment of postoperative pain after single-visit root canal treatment using rotary and reciprocating file systems: an in vivo study. Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2022;22(4):267-275.
  18. Mayana Aameena Banu, Nagesh Bolla, Sravanthi Tammineedi, Sayesh Vemuri, Ram Chowdary Basam, Anil Kumar Ganapati. Effect of nonthermal atmospheric plasma, grape seed extract, and bromelain on immediate bonding of composite to bleached and microabraded surfaces. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2022;25(1):42-6.
  19. Shaik Afreen Kamal, Roopadevi Garlapati, Nagesh Bolla, Sayesh Vemuri, Bandaru Pydiahnaidu, Yandra Lakshmi Suvarna. Comparison of sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate, biodentine with and without bioactive glass as furcation repair materials: An ultraviolet spectrophotometric analysis. Endodontology 2022;34(1):45-9.
  20. Gangavarapu Eswar Kowsik, Roopadevi Garlapati, Nagesh Bolla, Sayesh Vemuri, Chukka Ram Sunil, Keerthi Priya Nandipati. Effect of Calcium Hydroxide (CH), Triple Antibiotic Paste (TAP), Nano-sized CH and Nano-sized TAP as Intracanal Medicament on the Push-out Bond Strength of Biodentine: An In-vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2022;16(3):ZD18-ZD22.
  21. Sravanthi Tammineedi, Nagesh Bolla, Ram Chowdary Basam, Sayesh Vemuri, Ramsunil Chukka, Lakshman Chowdary Basam. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Indian Endodontic postgraduate students regarding the COVID – 19 pandemic and its consequences: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2022;10(4): 252-60.
  22. Kukunuru Gayatri, Sravanthi Tammineedi, Nagesh Bolla, Sayesh Vemuri, Ram Chowdary Basam, Chukka. Ram Sunil. Effect of autoclaving on the cyclic fatigue resistance of nickel titanium rotary instruments: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2021;24(5):440-44.
  23. Shaik Reshma Parveen, Bandlapally Sreenivasagupthaanila, Sravanthi Tammineedi, Sayesh Vemuri, Nagesh Bolla. Management of Bilateral Maxillary Second Molars with Extra Palatal Root: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Oct, Vol-15(10): ZD09-ZD11.
  24. Roopadevi Garlapati, Kolluri Mohana Chandra, Praveen Kumar Gali, Bolla Nagesh, Sayesh Vemuri, N. Gomathi. Effect of nonthermal atmospheric plasma on the push-out bond strength of epoxy resin-based and bioceramic root canal sealers: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2021;24(1):41-45.
  25. Pydiahnaidu Bandaru, Nagesh Bolla, Rupadevi Garlapati, Sayesh Vemuri, Yamini Bandaru. Repair bond strength of aged resin composite using different surface treatments and bonding protocols. International Journal of Dental Materials 2021;3(2):51-57. 
  26. Tammineedi S, Kakollu S, Thota MM, Basam RC, Basam LC, Vemuri S. Comparison of stress distribution in teeth restored with fiber post and dentin post by applying orthotropic properties: A three-dimensional finite element analysis J Conserv Dent 2020;23(6):589-92.
  27. Polineni S, Bolla N, Mandava P, Vemuri S, Mallela M. “Marginal adaptation of newer root canal sealers to dentin: A SEM study.” J Conserv Dent 2016;19(4):11-4.
  28. Vemuri S, Kolanu SK, Varri S, Pabbati RK, Penumaka R, Bolla N.”Effect of different final irrigating solutions on smear layer removal in apical third of root canal: A scanning electron microscope study.” J Conserv Dent 2016;19(1): 87-90.
  29. Mandava P, Bolla N, Thumu J, Vemuri S, Chukka S. Microleakage around retrograde filling materials prepared using conventional and ultrasonic techniques. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9(2):ZC43-6.
  30. Kolanu SK, Bolla N, Varri S, Thummu J, Vemuri S, Mandava P. “Evaluation of correlation between apical diameter and file size using PropexPixi apex locator.” J Clin Diagn Res 2014;8(12): ZC18-20.
  31. Jeevani E, Jayaprakash T, Bolla N, Vemuri S, Sunil CR, Kalluru RS.”Evaluation of sealing ability of MM-MTA, Endosequence, and biodentine as furcation repair materials: UV spectrophotometric analysis.” J Conserv Dent 2014;17( 4): 340-3.
  32. Samyuktha V, Ravikumar P, Nagesh B, Ranganathan K, Jayaprakash T, Sayesh. “Cytotoxicity evaluation of root repair materials in human-cultured periodontal ligament fibroblasts.” J Conserv Dent 2014; 17(5): 467-70.
  33. Shenoy A, Mandava P, Bolla N, Vemuri S. A novel technique for removal of broken instrument from root canal in mandibular second molar. Indian J Dent Res 2014;25(1):107-10.
  34.  Vemuri S, Kotha RS, Raghunath RG, Kandregula CR. Root canal revascularization via blood clotting in regenerative endodontics: Essentials and expectations. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2013;2:235-8.
  35. Shenoy A, Bolla N, Sayish, Sarath RK, Sunil Ram C H, S. Assessment of precipitate formation on interaction of irrigants used in different combinations: An in vitro Indian J Dent Res 2013;24:451-5.
  36. Mandava P, Vemuri S, Bolla N, Kavuri SR. “Management of vertically fractured endodontically treated molars.” J Dr NTR Univ Health Sci 2013; 2(4): 307-9.
  37. Sahana S, Koya S, Vasa AAK, Kotha Ravichandra Sekhar, Sayesh Vemuri, V. Sudhakar. Prevalence of Dental Anomalies and Enamel Hypoplasia in Primary Dentition among Pre School Children of West Godavari District, Andhra pradesh-A Cross Sectional Study. JIAPHD 2013;11(2):45-49.
  38. Ballullaya SV, Vemuri S, Kumar PR. Variable permanent mandibular first molar: Review of literature. J Conserv Dent 2013;16:99-110.
  39. Shenoy A, Bolla N, Vemuri S, Kurian J. Endodontic retreatment – unusual anatomy of a maxillary second and mandibular first premolar: Report of two cases. Indian J Dent Res 2013;24:123-7.
  40. Bolla N, Kavuri SR, Tanniru HI, Vemuri S, Shenoy A.”Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of odontopaste, chlorhexidine and propolis as root canal medicaments against enterococcus faecalis and candida albicans.”  J Int Dent Med Res 2012;5(1): 14-25.
  41. Sayesh V, Sekhar KR, Ravi GR, Chandra ST. Oral galvanism: Clinical and biological effects. AP State Dent J 2011;4(3):305-307.
  42. Vemuri S,Sekhar R, Ram KC, Ravi GR. NEC: an alternative to MTA? AP State Dent J 2011;4(3):318-320.