Bangalore Institute Of Dental Sciences And Hospital,
Rajeev Gandhi University,
June 2009.
Organising Committe Member in 33rd IACDE National Conference, Vijayawada 2018
Madhuri GV, Varri S, Bolla N, Mandava P, Akkala LS, Shaik J.”Comparison of bond strength of different endodontic sealers to root dentin: An in vitro push-out test.” J Conserv Dent 2016;19(5): 461-5.
Akkala LS, Sujeer.R, Thomas T, Veronica. Nanoleakage Evaluation of a Silorane Based, Nanohybrid and Giomer Composites – An In-Vitro Study. IOSR J Dent Med Sci 2014;13(1):62-4.
Chandana PS, Munaga S, Reddy MN, Devabhaktuni D, Swathi CL. Evaluation of compressive strength for a combination of glass ionomer cement and antibiotics. J Orofac Res 2013:245-8.
Akkala LS, Anand VS. A Clinical Evaluation of Fluoride and Non-Fluoride Agents in Carious Lesions of Permanent Dentition-A Systematic Review”.IOSR J Dent Med Sci 2013;12(6):18-33.
Required Senior Lecturers / Assistant Professors in the Departments of Orthodontics and Conservative Dentistry. Interested candidates can email their C.V. to [email protected]