Email : [email protected]


Ph.D. (Oral Pathology):

Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.

MDS (Oral Pathology):

Ragas Dental College, Chennai.
M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.


PMNM Dental College, Bagalkot.
Karnataka University, Dharwad.


  1.   Executive Committee member in Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists
  2.   PhD guide in Dr. NTR Univeristy of Health Sciences, Vijayawada
  3.   Fellowship in Indian Association of Forensic Odontology
  4.   Section editor for Journal of Indian Dental Association (JIDA)
  5.   Section editor for Clinical Dentistry publication.


  1. Gabbiti S.M., Deepika C. G., Swathi V., Poosarla C., Kommalapati V., Katappagiri K. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Podoplanin expression across histopathological variants of Ameloblastomas: A Retrospective Study. JIDA 2024; XVII; 17-21.
  2. Siddabattuni N., Kattappagari K., Chandrasekhar P., Kommalapati V., Kantheti L., Quantitative assessment Cyclooxygenase – 2 immunohistochemical expression in different grades of oral epithelial dysplasia. JIDA 2024; XVIII;22-25.
  3. Doppalapudi A, Pranitha K, Sai Sankar AJ, Siva Sankar K, Kattappagari KK, Deepthi Nirmal G. Assessment of Marginal Fit of Two Esthetic Preformed Pediatric Crowns: An In Vitro Study. J Orofac Sci 2024;16:57-62.
  4. H. Aparna Latha, Vatsalya Kommalapati, Yadlapalli Vineela Chowdary , P. Chandra Shekar , K. Kiran Kumar, Thota Roger Paul. Molecular pathogenesis pf Oral Cancer – An Overview. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal. 2024 July- Dec 15 (2): 102 – 108.
  5. Ruttala Sai Praveena , P. Chandrasekhar, K. Kiran Kumar, K. Vatsalya , L. Sanjana, K. Lalith Prakash Chandra. Qualitative assessment of processed Honey in comparison with formalin as an alternative fixative. International Journal of Novel Research and Development. 2024;9(6): a278-a734.
  6. Pulligada S.S., Chandrashekhar P., Kommalapti V., Katappagiri K.K., Chandra L.P. A Study to evaluate Oral Candidal Colonization and Species Variation in Diabetes Patients. JIDA 2023; XVII; 35-39.
  7. Kattappagari K, Simha B, Kumar H, Kantheti L, Vakamullu T. Cross-sectional questionnaire survey on knowledge, attitude, and behavior on forensic odontology among dental students: An Institutional based study. JIDA 2023;XVII: 28-34.
  8. Lingampalli S., Meda M., Tejaswi ASN, Bollu S.S., Vegendla S.,Katappagari K. K. Mucormycosis in Patients Treated for Covid-19: Case Series. JIDA 2023; XVII; 26-30.
  9. Patel R. M, Ruttala Sai P., Vegendla S., Babu SNT, T. Navya Hadassah, Kattappagari KK. “Cytomorphometric analysis of cell and nuclear diameter usinglight and phase contrast microscope in potentially malignantdisorders”. JIDA 2023; XVII; 14-19.
  10. Namburu Janaki Ramya, Akunuru Anil Babu, Moparthi Hemalatha, Poosarla Chandrashekar, Kattappagari Kiran Kumar. An odontometric assessment of permanent mandibular canine and mandibular first molar forsexualdimorphism – A comparative study. Int J Novel Res and Develop 2023;8(2):c804-c808
  11. Bharath Joshi, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, Krishna Prasad Lingamaneni, Venkat Ramana Reddy Baddam. Quantitative assessment of micronuclei in oral exfoliative buccal squamous cells in smokers,chewers and healthy individuals using Giemsa Stain and Papainicolous Stain. Clinical Dentistry 2021; XV; 12-21.
  12. Kommalapati RK, Rajendra AS, Kattappagari KK, Kantheti LP, Poosarla C, Baddam VR. Tobacco Related Oral Lesions inSouth Indian Industrial Workers. J Orofac Sci 2021;13:28-32.
  13. Syed AK, Godavarthy DS, Kumar KK, Poosarla CS, Reddy GS, Reddy BV. Estimation of salivary superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase individuals with and without tobacco habits. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2021;10:27-32.
  14. B.V. Ramana Reddy , K. Kiran Kumar, Arvind Babu Rajendra Santosh. Benign and malignant lesions of Jaw. Dent Clin N Am 2020;64:39-61.
  15. Pushpanjali M, Sai Sankar AJ, Sridevi E, Sankar KS, Kumar KK, Balaji K. Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Erosive Potential of Pediatric Liquid Medicaments on Primary Teeth. J Orofac Sci 2020;12:119-25
  16. Vidya Velivela, Lalitha Koneru, Chandra Shekar. Poosarla, Kiran Kumar .K, Rehan Saifuddin, Venkata Ramana Reddy .B. Quantitative Analysis Of CD133 & OCT 4 As Prognostic Markers In Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 14 ¦ Regular Issue 03 ¦ 2023.
  17. Garnepudi Sameha Sarat, Padmavathi Pyla, Kiran Kumar .K, Venkata Ramana Reddy .B, Chatla Gnyana Deepika, Meda Manisha. Quantitative Analysis Of CD133 As A Prognostic Marker In Oral Epithelial Dysplasia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 14 ¦ Regular Issue 03 ¦ 2023.
  18. Dasarathi N, Kattappagari KK, Ponnuru VS, Suryaprakash RT, Santhosh AB, Reddy BR. Assessment of Dental Age Estimation Using Aspartic Acid Racemization in Human Dentin in Single-Rooted Teeth. J Orofac Sci 2022;14:114-9.
  19. Ch. Gnyana D., Lingampalli S, Meda M., Potluri S., Chandra L.P.,  Katappagari KK. Dental Age estimation using pulp:tooth ratio of permanent maxillary central incisors: An Intraoral periapical radiographic method. JIDA 2022; XV; 26-31.
  20. K. Lakshmi Prasanna, Kiran Kumar K. Assessment of rugaoscopic pattern to compare with gender identification in Andhra Pradesh population: An institutional study. JIDA 2021; XV; 13-17.
  21. Pushpanjali M, SaiSankarAJ, Sridevi E, Sankar KS, Kumar KK, Balaji K.Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Ero-sive Potential of Pediatric Liquid Medicaments on Primary Teeth. J Orofac Sci 2020;12:119-121.
  22. Vijay Veerella, NareshVabanaboyina, Yugesh Chandra Vemulappalli, Kiran Vepuri, Vamsi Krishna Maddarapu, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari. An Institutional retrospective data analysis to assess the prevalence of odontogenic tumors. Kerala Dental Journal2020 ;43(3): 147-151.
  23. Sridhar M, Sankar AJ, Sankar KS, Kumar KK. Accidental displacement of primary anterior teeth following the extraction of neonatal teeth. J. Indian SocPedodPrev Dent 2020; 38:311-4.
  24. Alivelu D, Kattappagari KK, Mandapati J, Poosarla C, Gontu SR, Reddy Baddam VR. Quantitative analysis of microvessels density in different grades of oral squamous cell carcinoma. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2020; 9:46-51.
  25. Danda H, Pusarla PC, Reddy GS, Kumar KK, Chandra LP, Reddy BV. A quantitative expression of KI-67 to assess the malignant transformation potential in oral leukoplakia and erosive lichen planus. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2020; 9:42-5.
  26. Mary Prathyusha, Kiran K. Kattappagari , Deepika Chowdary , Poosarla C. Shekar , DasarathiAlivelu , Baddam V. R. Reddy. “A study on association of epsteinbarr virus in oral squamous cell carcinoma using polymerase chain reaction technique. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2019;8(4): 233-7.
  27. DurgaSusmithaVaddi, Pallavi, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, Venkat Ramana Reddy Baddam. Prevalence of cusp of carabelli in health professional students;An Institutional based study. Int J of Oral 2019;10(2): 2-5.
  28. Vivekananda SabannaKattimani, Krishna Prasad Lingamaneni ,GirijaEaswaradasKreedapathi , Kiran Kumar Kattappagari. Socket preservation using eggshell derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet – rich as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc Oral MaxillofacSurg 2019; 45:332-342.
  29. Sashi Kiran SanapalaVenkat Naga, Poosarla Chandra Shekar, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, KanthetiLalith Prakash Chandra, Gontu Sridhar Reddy, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy. Expression of cluster differentiation‑44 stem cell marker in grades of oral epithelial dysplasia: A preliminary study. J Oral MaxillofaciPathol 2019; 23(2):203-207.
  30. Deepika S Chowdary, P Chandra Sekhar, Kiran Kumar Kattapagari, C H Mani Deepthi, DasariNeelima, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy. A study to assess expression of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in oral squamous cell carcinoma using polymerase chain reaction. J Oral MaxillofaciPathol 2018;22(3):347-352.
  31. Mani D. Chitipothu, Kiran K. Kattappagari, DivyasriGodavarthy, Chandrashekar Poosarla, Sridhar R. Gountu, Venkata R. R. Baddam. A quantitative expression of Ki‑67 to evaluate malignant transformation rate in potentially malignant disorders. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2018;7(3): 185-9
  32. SwethaKanneganti, Kiran K. Kattappagari, K. Tanuja, K. Lalith Prakash Chandra, Chandrasekhar Poosarla, Venkata R. R. Baddam. Oral submucous fibrosis: Clinical and histopathological correlation of collagen fibers using Masson’s trichrome and Van Gieson stains. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2018;7(3): 181-184.
  33. Farheen MD, Sahithi S, Srilekha K, SaiMeghana B.Y, Radhika N, Kiran Kumar K. Assessment of Lip prints among dental professionals: An Institutional study. JIDA 2018; 12(8): 18-22.
  34. Siva sankarK,Pranitha K, SaiSankar A.J, Sujatha B,SaiKrishna V, Kiran Kumar K. Remineralizing potential of commercially available pediatricdentrifices: An Invitro study. Pediatric Dental Journal 2018;28(3):160-164.
  35. Kaza S, Kantheti LP, Poosarla C, Gontu SR, Kattappagari KK, Baddam VR. A study on the expression of CD44 adhesion molecule in oral squamous cell carcinoma and its correlation with tumor histological grading. J Orofac Sci 2018;10(1):42-9.
  36. ArvindBabu R. S., Chandrasekhar P.,Kiran Kumar K., Lalith Prakash Chandra K., B V Ramana Reddy. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Presenting as a Neck Swelling: A Case Report. Clinical Dentistry 2018; May:10-15.
  37. Swetha G, Kattappagari K K, Poosarla CS, Chandra LP, Gontu SR, Reddy Badam VR. Quantitative analysis of dental age estimation by incremental line of cementum. J Oral MaxillofacPathol 2018; 22:138-142.
  38. BharaniSyamala, Ravi T. Chitturi, Poosarala Chandrasekhar, K. Lalith Prakash Chandra, K. Kiran Kumar, B. V. Ramana Reddy. Cytomorphometric analysis of exfoliated buccal cells to evaluate the malignant changes in individuals with tobacco smoking and chewing habits. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2017; 6(3): 143-8.
  39. Kaja SL, Kiran SS,Kattapagari KK, Chitturi RT, Chowdary SD, Reddy BV. A review on tumor immunology. J Orofac Sci 2017;9:7-15.
  40. Ratnakar Bale, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, Desai Vidya, SivapradobhVuddandi, CharaniGummalla, Venkata Ramana Reddy Baddam. Oral submucous fibrosis: A quantitative assessment of serum malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and correlation with clinical staging. J Oral MaxillofacPathol2017;21:41-5.
  41. SwethaGudiseva, Kiran K. Katappagari, Lalith P. C. Kantheti, Chandrashekar Poosarla, Sridhar R. Gontu, Venkat R. R. Baddam. Molecular biology of head and neck cancer. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2017; 6(1): 1-7.
  42. RadhikaKalyaniKomalapati, DeepthiKaturi , Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, LalithPrakshChnadraKantheti, RajasekharBabuMurakonda , Chandrasekhar Poosarla, Ravi TejaChitturi , Sridhar Reddy Gontu, Venkata Ramana Reddy Baddam. Systemic analysis of palatal Rugae pattern for use in human identification between two polulation. Iran J Publi Health 2017;46(5):602-607.
  43. KommalapatiRadhikaKalyani, Kattappagari Kiran Kumar, Poosarla Chandra Sekhar, Gontu Sridhar Reddy, Lingamineni Krishna Prasad, Badam V. Ramana Reddy. Analysis of palatal rugae patterns among two ethnic populations of Andhra Pradesh. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2016;5(1): 44-48.
  44. SanapalaVenkata Naga Sashi Kiran, Sri LalithaKaja, Kiran Kumar Kattapagari, Poosarla Chandra Shekar, Chitturi Ravi Teja, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy. Histomorphometric analysis of vascularity in oral epithelial dysplasia. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2016;5(4):281-5.
  45. Indira Priyadarshini Bollu, L. Deepa Velagula, NageshBolla, K. Kiran Kumar, Archana Hari, JayaprakashThumu. Histological evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate and enamel matrix derivative combination in direct pulp capping: An in vivo study. J Conserv Dent 2016;19:536-40.
  46. Srinivasprasad M, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, CS Ravi Teja, KommalapatiRadhikaKalyani, Lingaminani Krishna Prasad ,BaddamVenkata Ramana Reddy. Assessment of Sexual Dimorphism Using Odontometric Analysis in the Dentition of Guntur population, South Indian. Ind J Forensic MediToxicol2016;10(2):196-201.
  47. Koyio L, K Ranganathan, KK Kattappagari, DM Williams, PG Robinson.- Oral health needs assessment world-wide in relation to HIV. Themes: Oral health needs and inequalities, oral health promotion, co-ordinating research and enhancing dissemination in relation to HIV- a workshop report. Oral Diseases 2016;22 (1):199–205.
  48. BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy, Kiran K Kuruba, SamathaYalamanchili. Granulomatous diseases affecting jaws. Dent Clin N Am 2016; 60: 195-234.
  49. Kommalapati Radhika Kalyani, Kattappagari Kiran Kumar, Poosarla Chandra Sekhar, Gontu Sridhar Reddy, Lingamaneni Krishna Prasad, Badam V. Ramana Reddy. Analysis of palatal rugae patterns among two ethnic populations of Andhra Pradesh J NTR Univ Health Sci 2016;5(1) 44-48
  50. Kattapagari KK, Raviteja CS, Kommalapati RK, Poosarla C, Gontu SR, Reddy BV. Role of Antioxidants in facilitating the body functions: A Review. J Orofac Sci 2015; 7:71-5.
  51. Ravi TejaChitturi, Kiran Kumar Kattapagari, M Indira, G Sridhar Reddy, Chandrasekhar Poosarla, and Venkat Ramana Reddy Baddam. A Study to Estimate Age Using Third Molar Development in a South Indian Population. International J Denti and Oral Health 2015.
  52. Kaja SL, Kattipagari KK, Chitturi R, Prashanth L, Reddy BV. Helicobacter Pylori and its OrodentalImplications : A Review. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2015; 4:203-8.
  53. GudisevaSwetha, Poosarla Chandrasekhar, RavitejaChitturi, Deepika S, Kattapagari Kiran Kumar, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy, 2015. Telepathology – A Breakthrough in Diagnosis. International Journal of Current Research.2015; 7 (9), 20714-20718.
  54.   Keerthi M, Reddy GS, Shekar PC, Chandra KL, Kumar KK, Reddy BV. A study on isolation, identification and antifungal susceptibility of various oral candidal species in renal transplant patients. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2015;4:170-5.
  55. Indira M, Chandrashekar P, Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, Lalith Prakash Chandra K, Ravi TejaChitturi, Ramana Reddy BV. Evaluation of salivary glucose, amylase, and total protein in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Indian J Dental Res 2015; 26(3):271-275.
  56. Lingamaneni Prashanth, Kiran Kumar Kattapagari, Ravi Teja Chitturi, Venkat Ramana Reddy Baddam, Lingamaneni Krishna Prasad. A review on role of essential trace elements in health and disease. J NTR Univ Health Sci2015;4(2) 75-85.
  57. Kaja S, Naga SS, Kumar KK, Dasari N, Kantheti LC, Reddy BR. Quantitative analysis of C-reactive protein in potentially malignant disorders: A pilot study. J Orofac Sci 2015;7:3-6.
  58. Rao KE, Chitturi RT, Kattappagari KK, Kantheti LP, Poosarla C, Baddam VR. Impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy on oral manifestations of patients with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immuno deficiency syndrome in South India. Indian J Sex Transm Dis 2015;36:35-9.
  59. Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, B Venkata Ramana Reddy, Sibar Dental College. Evaluation of Sex Dimorphism Using Discriminant Functions in the Dentition in Guntur Population, South India. International Dental Journal 2015; 65( 1): 118-175.
  60. Kiran K, Reddy BVR, Department of Oral Pathology, Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. A correlation of oxidative stress in different gradings of Oral Sub-mucous Fibrosis. J Oral MaxillofaciPathol 2014; 18(1): 24-28.
  61. Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, Radhika Kalyani Kommalapati, Deepthi Katuri, RajesekarMurakona, Ravi TejaChitturi, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy. Age estimation by assessment of dentin translucency in single rooted permanent teeth. J Intern oral heal 2014;6(6):1-4.
  62. Sujatha Ramachandra, Poosarla Chandrashekar, Srinivas Prasad, Kuruba Kiran Kumar, Gontu Sridhar Reddy, KanthetiLalithParkash, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy. Prevalance of Odontogenic cysts and Tumors: A retrospective clinical – pathological study of 204 cases. SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences. 2014; 5(3):170-173.
  63. Shoba Rani Bakki, Lalith Prakash Chandra Kantheti, Kiran Kumar Kuruba, Chandrasekhar Poosarla, Venkat Ramana Reddy Baddam, Raja RajeswariMulakaluri. Candidal carriage, isolation and species variation in patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy for head and neck tumors. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2014;3(1):28-34.
  64. Ravi TejaChitturi, BaddamVenkat Ramana Reddy, Kattapagari Kiran Kumar, Poosarala Chandrashekar, KanthetiLalith Prakash Chandra and Gontu Sridhar Reddy. Genetic Aspects of Cleft Lip and Palate – A Review.JClinDiagn Res 2014;2(2):1-4.
  65. Sridhar Gontu Reddy, Kiran K. Kumar, Chandhra P. Sekhar, Ramana B. V. Reddy. Oral Mucormycosis: Need for early diagnosis!J NTR Univ Health Sci 2014;3(2):146-147.
  66. Sridhar Reddy, K. EswaraRao, K. Kiran Kumar, P. Chandra shekar, K. Lalith Prakash Chandra, B. Venkata Ramana Reddy. Diagnosis of Oral cancer: The past and Present. J Orofac Sci 2014;6(1): 10 – 16.
  67. Sujatha,P. Chandrashekar, K.Kiran Kumar, G. Sridhar Reddy, K. Lalith Prakash Chandra K, B.V Ramana Reddy. Differentiation of Odontogenic keratocyst from radicular cyst and Dentigerous cyst by bcl-2 protein – Immunohistochemical study. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2013;2(3):186-90.
  68. NagesgBolla, Siva VenkataMalatiNalli, Sujana, K. Kiran Kumar, Ranganathan K, Sarath Raj. Cytotoxic evaluation of two chlorine releasing irrigation solution on cultured human periodontal ligament fibroblast. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2013;2(1):42-46.
  69. Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, BaddamVenkata Ramana Reddy, Joshua Elizabeth, Umadevi M Krishnamohan, KannanRanganathan. Metastatic adenocarcinoma: A case report. J Orofac Sci2013; 5(2):143-146.
  70. Kiran Kumar K, Lalith Prakash Chandra K, Sumanthi J, S Sridhar Reddy G., Chandra Shekar P., Reddy B.V.R. Biological role of Lectins: A review. J.Orofac Sci. 2012; 4 (1): 20-25.
  71. Suvarna M, Anuradha C, Kumar KK, Sekhar PC, Lalith Prakash Chandra K, Ramana Reddy BV. Cytomorphometric analysis of exfoliative buccal cells in type II diabetic patients. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2012;1:33-7.
  72. David P Touro, K.Kiran Kumar, S.Shibani, KaveriHallikeri. Unusual Presentation of Kimura’s diseases involving the parotid gland in an Indian male: a case report and review of literature. J Oral BiolCraniofaci Res. 2012; 2(1): 50 – 52.
  73. Kiran Kumar K., Sujatha R., Arvindbabu R.S., Reddy BVR. A study on Oral hygiene practices and habits among dental professionals in Andhra Pradesh – Original Research. J.Orofac Sci. 2011; 3 (2):4-9.
  74. Anuradha Ch., Chandra Shekar P., Sridhar Reddy G., Arvindbabu R.S., Kiran Kumar K., Reddy B.V.R. Oral Mucosal Lichen Planus in Children – report of 3 cases. J.Orofac Sci. 2011; 3(1): 20-23.
  75. Nirmala SVSG, Lalitha V, Sivakumar N, Kiran Kumar K, Srikanth M. Mucormycosis associated with juvenile diabetes. J Indian SocPedodPrevDent 2011; 2 (29): S 87- S 91
  76. Kiran Kumar K, Ashith B. Acharya. Age estimation in Indians from extracted unsectioned teeth. J Forensic Sci Int 2011; 275(1): 275E1-275E5.
  77. B, Kiran Kumar.K, KaveriHallikeri, Rekha.K. Morphometrical analysis in invasive front tumor in Squamous cell carcinoma- Original study. J OroFac Sci. 2010; 2[3]: 9-17.
  78. Ganesh ShreekanthNellithady, KoneruAnila, Kattappagari Kiran Kumar and Hallikeri, Kaveri. Lack of association of chronic liver diseases in patients with Oral lichenplanus”. J CarcinogeneMutagene 2010; 1(3): 113:1-4.
  79. S Gokul, V.S.Patil, R.Jailkani, K.Hallikeri, K KKattappagari. Oxidant and Antioxidant status in blood and tissues of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Oral Diseases 2010; 16(1):29-33.
  80. Gokul, K.V.Ranjini, K .Kiran Kumar, K.Hallikeri. Congenital Osteolipoma associated with cleft palate – a rare case report. Int. J.OralMaxillofac. Surg 2009; 38:91-97.
  81. Kiran Kumar K., Ashith B. Acharya. Dental age estimation using amino acid racemisation. Indian J Dent Res 2008; 19( 2): 172-174.
  82. ArvindBabu R.S, Kiran Kumar.K, Sridhar Reddy.G, Anuradha.Ch. Cancer Vaccine -Review. J OroFac Sci 2010;2[3]: 77-80.
  83. Kiran Kumar K, KaveriHallikeri. Phaeohyphomycosis – A case report. Indian J PatholMicrob 2008; 54(1):556-558.
  84. Kiran Kumar K, T.R Saraswathi, K. Ranganathan, Uma Devi, Elizabeth Joshua. Oral Sub mucous fibrosis – Clinical and Histopathological correlation in 75 cases. Indian J Dent Res 2007; 18(3):106-111.
  85. Ranganathan, M.Uma Devi, Elizabeth Joshua, K. Kiran Kumar, T.R.Saraswathi. Oral sub mucous fibrosis: a case-control study in Chennai, South India. – J Oral PatholMedi. 2004; 33(3):1-4.
  86. Saraswathi TR, Ranganathan K, Balasundaram S, Kiran Kumar K.Osteomyelitis of the Jaws: A review – J Oral 2002; 6(2): 1-9.