Email : [email protected]


Fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE), 2016, from Manipal University.

MDS (Oral Medicine & Radiology):

Sibar Institute of Dental Science, Guntur.
Dr.NTRUHS, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
May, 2012.


Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram.
Dr.NTRUHS, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
December, 2009.


  1. Editorial Board member for Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2573-8771)
  2. Editor of IDA journal of Guntur branch, AP for the year 2019-20
  3. Recognized as PhD guide for Dr NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, 2021
  4. Received “Best paper award with special appreciation” at 33rd IAOMR National conference, Bhubaneswar
  5. Received “Best Reviewer” award of JIAOMR at 34rd IAOMR National conference 2023.


  1. Rohan Jagtap, Yalamanchili Samata, Amisha Parekh, Pedro Tretto, Tamara Vujanovic, Purnachandrarao Naik, Jason Griggs, Alan Friedel, Maxine Feinberg, Prashant Jaju, Michael D. Roach, Mini Suri and Michelle Briner Garrido. Automatic feature segmentation in dental panoramic radiographs. Science Progress. 2024;107(4). doi:10.1177/00368504241286659
  2. Anoop G, Purnachandra Rao Naik N, Samata Y, Sethu Manjusha S, Tejaswi C. Assessment of Hearing Defect in Oral Submu-cous Fibrosis: A Cross-Sectional Study. J OrofacSci 2024;16:27-3.
  3. Krupavathi Peetha, Sethu M Saranu, Samata Yalamanchali, R Nunsavathu, Shruthi Pingili, Pavani Kotha, Sanjana Marpuri. Comparison of Carbon Monoxide Breath Levels in Smokers and Nonsmokers: A Cross-sectional Study. World Journal of Dentistry, Volume 15 Issue 4 (April 2024).
  4. Kolli S.S., Sethu M., Samata Y., Naik PCR., P. Shruthi.,M. Sanjana., Antibiotic Resistance-An institutional questionnaire study. JIDA 2024; XVIII; 33-38. https://doi.org/10.33882/jida.15.35155
  5. Bhiminenei L., Naik N. P., Samata A., Kumari P., Therapeutic Efficacy of Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil an Adjuvant to Conventional Therapy in Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis – A Comparative Clinical Study JIDA 2024; XVIII; 13-18.
  6. M. Sai Geethika, N. Purnachandra Rao Naik, A. Ravi Kiran, Y. Samatha, B. Naveen Kumar, P. Shruthi, Sethu Manjusha Saranu, K. Pavani, Sanjana Marpuri; Morphologic, Radiographic, and Stereomicroscopic Evaluation of Teeth Subjected to High Temperatures: An In vitro Forensic Study, Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine ¦ Volume 9 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2023.
  7. Pingili S, Yalamanchili S, Alaparthi RK, Rao Naik PC, Juluri S. Osteomyelitis of the mandible in patients with a history of COVID-19 infection: clinical, histologic, and radiographic presentations. Quintessence Int. 2023 Jun 26;54(6):510-515.
  8. Sethumanjusha Saranu, Yalamanchili Samata, Nunsavathu Purnachandra Rao Naik, Garikipati Anoop. Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency‑1 with Oral Manifestations – A Rare Case Report. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology ¦ Volume 34 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2022. 
  9. S Sethu Manjusha, Y Samatha, A Ravi Kiran, N Purna Chandra Rao Naik, B Naveen and P Sruthi; Haller’s Cells on Panoramic Radiograph- A Retrospective Analysis; EC Dental Science 21.6 (2022): 14-20.
  10. Contribution towards the textbook of Oral Medicine and Radiology second edition by Peeyush Shivhare, Volume I & II; published in the year 2021.
  11. Purnachandrarao Naik N, Effective Teaching Strategies in Oral Medicine and Radiology during the Covid-19 Pandemic; EC Dental Science 20.5 (2021): 86-88.
  12. Abhishek Singh Nayyar, Kapil, Pallavi Sinha, Vaibhav Borse, Lakshmi Sirisha K, PurnachandraRao Naik, Neetu Punhani; Mandible in Personifying the Identity of Individuals in Mass Disasters: An Original Study with Forensic Interest; New Nigerian Journal of Clinical  Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, January‑June 20.
  13. Purnachandrarao Naik, unusual foreign object: An incidental radiographic discovery; EC Dental Science 18.5 (2019), 989-991.
  14. Purnachandrarao Naik. Transforming Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist to Diagnostic and Interventional Imageologist; EC Dental Science 17.11 (2018): 1829-1830.
  15. Purnachandraraonaik N. “Teeth in Systemic Disorders: Suggestion for a Classification”. EC Dental Science 5 (2018): 557-560.
  16. Purnachandrarao Naik, Ravi Kiran A, Samatha Y, Naveenkumar B, Venkata Naga Vamseekrishna Kanduri, Geographic Tongue: An Epidemiological Study, EC Dental Science 1 (2018): 02-06.
  17. N.PurnachandraraoNaik, Dr. A. Ravi kiran, Dr. Y. Samatha, Dr. Lakshmana, Dr.Sudheer Koutha, Dr. Preethi Padmaja Uppalapati. COMPROMIZED NUTRITIONAL WELLBEING AND ITS ACT ON SALIVA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, Percian Journal of Medical Medicine, vol: 3, no; 4, Nov: 2016.
  18. Vijayakumar Ambaldhage, Purnachandrarao N Naik, Ravi Kiran Alaparthi, Samatha Yelamanchili, Chemical of darkness (Melatonin): A ray of glow to dentistry. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology. Apr‑Jun 2016, Vol 28, Issue 2.
  19. Bhargavi Dasari, Ravi Kiran, Samatha Y, Udaya Sindu Y, Kartheeki B, HimaBindu M, Purna Chandra Rao Naik. Prevalence of ZygomaticAir Cell Defects in a South Indian Population- A Retrospective Study, Dentistry, an open access journal, 2016, Volume 6 • Issue 8.
  20. Purnachandrarao Naik, Ravikiran A, Samatha Y, Nayyar AS and Vijay Kumar A. Oral Nutritional Health Risk Assessment: A Systematic Approach. J Dent & Oral Disord – Volume 2 Issue 2 – 2016.
  21. Asim Mustafa Khan, Veena Sathya Narayanan, Jaishankar HomberhalliPuttabuddi, Rachita Chengappa, Vijaya Kumara Ambaldhage, Purnachandrarao Naik, Rahil Syed Ahmed. Comparison of Taste Threshold in Smokers and Non-Smokers Using Electrogustometry and Fungiform Papillae Count: A Case Control Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 May, Vol-10(5): ZC101-ZC105.
  22. Avula Jogendra SaiSankar, Samatha Y, Ravi Kiran A and Naik Poornachandra, Hand Foot and Mouth Disease,,Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science, J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci 2015,Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000137, ISSN:2155-9538 .
  23. Ravi Kiran Alaparthi, Samatha Yelamanchili, Purnachandrarao Naik Nunsavathu, Intraoral hydatid cyst: A rare case report; Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology Jul-Sep 2015 Vol 27 Issue 3.
  24. G Ravi kiran. A,1 Samatha.Y,1 Harshavardhan.T2, Purnachandrarao Naik.N,1 Vijay kumar. A; Oral and Salivary Changes among Renal Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis and Renal Transplant: A Cross Sectional Study; BEMS Reports, Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan-Jun, 2015
  25. kalyan kumar, b.kalyana chakravarthy, k. Saraswathy gopal, N. Purnachanderarao naik, manivasavi. florid cemento-osseous dysplasia; a rare case report in indian population; international journal of contemporary medical research; volume 2; issue 2.
  26. Vijay Kumar Ambaldhage, JaishankarHomberhalli Puttabuddi1, PurnachandraraoNaik Nunsavath2; Burning mouth syndrome: An update; Indian Journal of Pain. January-April 2015, Vol 29, Issue 1
  27. PurnachandraraoNaikNunsavathu, Ravi KiranAlaparthi, SamathaYelamanchili, Neha Vashisht1, RavindraNaik Gugulothu2, Sri Krishna Koppula; Comparison of ultrasound, digital, and conventional radiography in differentiating periapical lesions: An in vivo study; Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology Jan-Mar 2015 Vol 27  Issue 1.
  28. PurnachandraraoNaik N; Need ForSystamatic Review AndMeta Analysis In Oral Medicine In India; American Journal of Oral Medicine and Radiology. 2015;2(1):34-36.
  29. N Ravi Kiran. A Samata. Y Vijay kumar. non syndromic, bilateral, dentigerous cysts associated with inverted mandibular third molars: a case report; Journal of Diagnostics, 2014, 1(1): 1-5
  30. HarshaVardhanTalla, Ravi Kiran Alaparthi1, Samatha Yelamanchili1, Purna Chandra Rao Naik1; Desmoplastic fi broma of the mandible: A rare case report; Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine &Radiology , Apr-Jun 2014, Vol 26,  Issue 2.
  31. Vijay Kumar Ambaldhage, JaishankarHomberhalli Puttabuddi1, PurnachandraraoNaik Nunsavath2,Yehoshuva R Tummuru3; Taste disorders: A review; Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology. Jan-Mar 2014, Vol 26,  Issue 1.
  32. G1, Ravi Kiran.A2, Samata.Y3, Purnachandrarao Naik.N4, VijayKumar.A5, Analysis of Blood and Salivary Urea Levels in Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis and Kidney Transplant; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jul, Vol-8(7): ZC18-ZC20Neha Vashisht,
  33. Ravikiran, Y. Samatha, Purna Chandra Rao, RavindraNaik, DivyVashisht; Chemiluminescence and Toluidine Blue as Diagnostic Tools for Detecting Early Stages of Oral Cancer: An invivo Study; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Apr, Vol-8(4): ZC35-ZC38.
  34. Purnachandrarao N. Naik, BDS, MDS,1 Ravi A. Kiran, BDS, MDS,1 Samatha Y, BDS, MDS,1Vijay A. Kumar, BDS, MDS,1,2 Suresh G, BDS, MDS,1,2 and NehaMahajan, BDS, MDS: Acupuncture: An Alternative Therapy in Dentistry and Its Possible Applications; MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE Volume 26, Number 6, 2014.
  35. NunsavathuPurnachandraraoNaik,Alaparthi Ravi Kiran, YalamanchiliSamata, Ambaldhage Vijay Kumar1; Deadliest tumor of oral cavity: A rare case of intra oral malignant melanoma; Journal of Oral Research and Review Vol. 6, Issue 2, July-December 2014.
  36. PurnachandraraoNaik, Ravi Kiran, Samata. Y, Vijay Kumar. A, KalyanKumar; Oral Squamous Papilloma of Tongue: Report of A Clinical Case; J Oral MaxillofacPathol Med, Jan-Jun 2014, Vol-1, Issue-1.
  37. Ravi TejaChitturi; Vijay A Kumar; PurnachandraraoNaik; VivekanandKattimani; Oral submucous fibrosis – an Indian perspective; research journal; Research 2014;1:702.
  38. Vijay Kumar A, Jaishankar HP, PurnachandraraoNaik; Congenital insensitivity to pain: Review with dental implications; Indian Journal of Pain | January-April 2014, Vol 28, Issue 1.
  39. PurnachandraNaikRaoN,Ravikiran A, Samatha Y, Abhishek Singh Nayyar, Vijay KumarA; Look back to the nature-Apitherapy: An alternative therapy in dentistry; J Oral MaxillofacPathol Med Jul-Dec 2014 Vol-1 Issue-2.
  40. PurnachandraraoNaik N. Dr. Ravi Kiran A, Dr. Samata Y, Dr. Vijay Kumar A, Dr. Kalyan Kumar D; Non- Syndromic Multiple Impacted Supernumerary Teeth:Report of a Case with 15 Supplemental Teeth; The International Journal Of Science &Technoledge; Vol 2 Issue 1 January, 2014.
  41. PurnachandraraoNaik N. Dr. Ravi Kiran A, Dr. Samata Y, Dr. Vijay Kumar A, Dr. Kalyan Kumar D; Bilaterally symmetrical maxillary paramolars: a rare case report with review of literature; international journal of innovative research and studies;Vol 3 Issue 2 February 2014.
  42. Vijay Kumar A, Jaishankar H.P, Kavitha A.P, PurnachandraRao Naik; Prolotherapy: A new hope for temporomandibular joint pain; Indian Journal of Pain. May-August 2013, Vol 27, Issue 2.
  43. Ravi Kiran A, PurnachandraraoNaikN,Samatha Y, VijayKumarA, KalyanKumarD; Intra-oral Lipoma: A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 Dec, Vol-7(12): 3090-3091.