Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Email : [email protected]


MDS ( Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics):

AECS Maaruti College of Dental Sciences and Research Center, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka.

JULY 2014.


Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davanagere,Karnataka

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka.

July 2008


  1. Manjula Srinivas Pandurangan, Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha Anila, Roopadevi Garlapati, Niharika Halder, Mayana Aameena Banu, Lavanya Modala. An In-Vitro Comparison of Effects of Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation with Various Concentrations of Peracetic Acid, Citric Acid, Sodium Hypochlorite, and Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid on Removal of Calcium Hydroxide from Root Canals. Journal of Orofacial Sciences 2024;16(2):139-45.
  2. Asritha Kondapaneni, AnilaBandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha, Sayesh Vemuri, Roopadevi Garlapati, Mayana Aameena Banu, Niharika Halder. Comparison of Shear Bond Strength for One-step Self-etch versus Universal Adhesives on Contaminated and Decontaminated Dentin Surfaces: An In-vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2024 ;18(12): ZC20-ZC24.
  3. Garlapati R, Bolla N, Kumar GP, Banu MA, Anila BS, Kamal SA. Effect of nonthermal atmospheric plasma application at different time intervals on the dentinal shear bond strength pretreated with 2% chlorhexidine as cavity disinfectant: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent Endod 2024;27:769-73.
  4. Roopadevi Garlapati, Nagesh Bolla, Gali Praveen Kumar, Mayana Aameena Banu, Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha Anila, Shaik Afreen Kamal. Effect of nonthermal atmospheric plasma application at different time intervals on the dentinal shear bond strength pretreated with 2% chlorhexidine as cavity disinfectant: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 2024;27(7):769-73.
  5. Anila Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha, Raavi Bhavya Sri, Roopadevi Garlapati, Sayesh Vemuri, Niharika Halder, Bolla Lahari. Evaluation of fracture resistance of teeth with Class II Mesio-OcclusoDistal cavities restored by three different esthetic restorative materials:An In-vitro study. Journal of Indian Dental Association 2023;17(12): 27-32.
  6. Garlapati R., Guptha A., Prathyusha V., Macherla J., Basam R., Halder N. Effect of Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar and Green Tea on Microhardness of Nanohybrid resin composite: An In-vitro study. JIDA 2023; XVII; 14-18.
  7. Roopadevi Garlapati, Praveen Kumar Gali, Nagesh Bolla, Bandlapally Srreenivasa Guptha Anila, Sayesh Vemuri, Bandaru Pydiah Naidu. A confocal laser scanning microscopic evaluation of nonthermal atmospheric plasma on the dentinal tubule penetration of bioceramic and epoxy resin-based root canal sealers. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2023;26(3):265-270.
  8. Niharika Halder, Sayesh Vemuri, Bandlapally Sreenivasa Guptha Anila, Nagesh Bolla, Roopadevi Garlapati, Ram Chowdary Basam. To compare the efficacy of various organic solvents on retrievability of Biodentine and their effect on microhardness of Biodentine and radicular dentin: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry | Volume 26 | Issue 1 | January-February 2023.
  9. Ram Basam Chowdary, Sravanthi Tammineedi, Bolla Nagesh, Sayesh Vemuri, Ram Sunil Chukka, Lakshman Chowdary Basam, Anila BS. Perception and Practice of Shade Selection Principles among Postgraduates and Dental Practitioners in India: A Cross-sectional Survey. Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry, Volume 16 Issue 3 (September–December 2022).
  10. Roopadevi Garlapati, Madhu Kiran Naik, Anila Bandlapally, Bolla Lahari, Bandaru Pydiah Naidu, Jyotsnanjali Thati. Prevalence of middle mesial canals in mandibular first molars in coastal Andhra population – a Cone beam computed tomography study. Journal of Indian Dental Association -2022;16(12): 20-24.
  11. Reshma Parveen Shaik , Anila Bandlapally, Bolla Lahari, Ram Chowdary Basam, Sayesh Vemuri , Roopadevi Garlapati. Evaluation of the influence of dentin on radiopacity of retrograde filling materials: An In-vitro study Journal of Indian Dental Association 2022; 16(12):14-18.
  12. Reshma Parveen Shaik, Ram Sunil Chukka, Anila Bandlapally, Sayesh Vemuri, Nagesh Bolla, Ram Chowdary Basam, Sravanthi Tammineedi. Assessment of postoperative pain after single-visit root canal treatment using rotary and reciprocating file systems: an in vivo study. Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2022;22(4):267-275.
  13. Shaik Reshma Parveen, Bandlapally Sreenivasagupthaanila, Sravanthi Tammineedi, Sayesh Vemuri, Nagesh Bolla. Management of Bilateral Maxillary Second Molars with Extra Palatal Root: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Oct, Vol-15(10): ZD09-ZD11. 
  14. Dr VidyaSrinivasan,DrAnila B.S.,DrManjula S.P.,DrSneha H.S. Management of dentin hypersensitivity. Journal of oral and dental health,Vol5,Issue 1,2019.
  15. Rao MH, Mishra G, Jayam C, Bandlapalli A. Successful Treatment of Persistent/Refractory Chronic Periapical Abscess following Multiple Endodontic Treatment Due to Failure in Detecting Foreign Body in Root Canal. Journal of Int Oral Health. 2016 Aug 1;8(8):879.
  16. Rao MH ,Aluru SC, ,Jayam C, Bandlapalli A , Patel N..Molar incisor hypomineralization. Journal of contemp dent practice,volume17,issue 7, july 2016.
  17. Jayam C, Bandlapalli A, Sharma KR, Chauhan. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis-Detailed review and report of a case.Journal of Dental Herald, Vol  2, Issue 1,January 2015.
  18. Tarsariya VM, Jayam C, Parmar YS, Bandlapalli A. Unusual intrabony transmigration of mandibular canine: case series (report of 4 cases). Case Reports.2015 Sep 11;2015:bcr2014205398.
  19. Singhal P, Singhal A, Jayam C, Bandlapalli A. Cleidocranial dysplasia syndrome (CCD) with an unusual finding in a young patient. Case Reports. 2015 Nov 18;2015:bcr2015210514.
  20. Umapathy T, Jayam C, Anila BS, Ashwini CP. Overview of surgical guides for implant therapy. Journal of Dental Implants. 2015 Jan 1;5(1):48.
  21. CheranjeeviJayam ,AnilaBandlapalli ,GyanendraMishra,YogishPuttashamachari, Developmental enamel defects of primary teeth: A review Global Journal of Medical Research, vol 14, issue  5, 2014.
  22. Trivedi B, Jayam C, Bandlapalli A, Patel N. Surgical and orthodontic management of a horizontally impacted permanent mandibular canine: timing is vital. Case Reports. 2014 Jul 31;2014:bcr2014205052.
  23. Parmar YS, Tarsariya VM, Jayam C, Bandlapalli A. An unusual presentation of peripheral ossifying fibroma in an elderly man. Case Reports. 2014 Jun 12;2014:bcr2014204606.
  24. Jayam C, Mitra M, Bandlapalli A, Jana B. Aggressive dentigerous cyst with ectopic central incisor. Case Reports. 2014 Jun 7;2014:bcr2013201041.
  25. Jayam C, Bandlapalli A, Patel N, Choudhary RS. Chronological hypoplasia: aesthetic management. Case Reports. 2014 Jun 6;2014:bcr2013202892.
  26. Jayam C, Bandlapalli A, Patel N, Choudhary RS. A case of impacted central incisor due to dentigerous cyst associated with impacted compound odontome. Case Reports. 2014 Mar 20;2014:bcr2013202447.
  27. Anila B, Murali H, Cheranjeevi J, Kapil RS. Lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR): A review. J Sci Dent. 2014;4(2):49-55.
  28. Nasreen F, Guptha AB, Srinivasan R, Chandrappa MM, Bhandary S, Junjanna P. An in vitro evaluation of effect of eugenol exposure time on the shear bond strength of two-step and one-step self-etching adhesives to dentin. Journal of cons dent;2014 ;17(3):280.
  29. Jayam C, Choudhary P, Venkataraghavan K, Trivedi K, Shah S, Bandlapalli A. Linear Enamel Hypoplasia: Case Report. Journal of Advanced Oral Research. 2013 Sep;4(3):12-5.
  30. Jayam C, Rao MH, Bandlapalli A, Patel N. Self-injurious Behaviour& Foreign-body Entrapment-Case Report. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences. 2013 Oct 1;5(4).
  31. Umapathy T, Jayam C, Yogish P, Yogish A, Bandlapalli A. Linear Enamel Hypoplasia. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology. 2013 Apr 1;25(2):153-6.